A new artilcle published on Scientific Reports!
May 17, 2018
"A randomized controlled pilot trial of game-based training in individuals with spinocerebellar ataxia type 3" by Ray-Yau Wang, Fang-Yi Huang, Bin-Wen Soong, Shih-Fong Huang and Yea-Ru Yang was accepted and published on Scientific Reports in May issue, 2018.
Department of Neurosurgery and Center for Neural Regeneration, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Prof. Ray-Yau Wang participated in 4th Global Experts Meeting on Parkinson's & Movement Disorders, 2018
May 13, 2018
Prof. Wang participated in the 4th Global Experts Meeting on Parkinson's & Movement Disorders in Singapore and spoke on the topic of "Exercise to improve walking abilities in individuals with Parkinson's disease."

phD student Pei-Hsin Ku participated in ICEBAT 2018
April 14, 2018
Our ph.D. student Pei-Hsin Ku participated the 5th International Conference on Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy, 2018 in Las Vegas, USA. Her topic for oral presentation is "The effects of Ai Chi on balance performance in individuals with chronic stroke."
The conference abstract will be published in 2018 June issue of The Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy (JAPT).

A new article published on Parkinsonism & Related Disorders!
June 27, 2017
"Effects of curved-walking training on curved-walking performance and freezing of gait in individuals with Parkinson's disease: A randomized controlled trial" by
Fang-Yu Cheng, Yea-Ru Yang, Yih-Ru Wu, Shih-Jung Cheng and Ray-Yau Wang was accepted and published on Parkinsonism & Related Disorders in June issue, 2017.
Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital / Department of Neurology, Mackay Memorial Hospital

A new article published on Scientific Reports
June 21, 2017
"Cognitive and motor dual task gait training improve dual task gait performance after stroke - A randomized controlled pilot trial" by Yan-Ci Liu, Yea-Ru Yang, Yun-An Tsai and Ray-Yau Wang was accepted and published on Scientific Reports in June issue, 2017.
Division of Neural Repair, Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

A new artilce published on Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy!
May 31, 2017
"Effects of Hydrotherapy in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis" by Jun-Hong Zhou, Ko-Ning Hsu, Jyue-Liang Chen, Ray-Yau Wang and Yea-Ru Yang was accepted and published on Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy in June issue, 2017.